Virgil Tapp

Virgil Tapp

Lifelong twitter fanatic. Devoted coffee lover. Professional bacon geek. Total bacon ninja. General musicaholic.

42 Posts Written
Does nattokinase dissolve arterial plaque?

Does nattokinase dissolve arterial plaque?

Nattokinase has the distinctive ability to make blood and other blood components less sticky. Thus, nattokinase has been...

Is nattokinase good for cholesterol?

Is nattokinase good for cholesterol?

Nattokinase may have potential uses in heart-related conditions, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels,...

Is nattokinase safe for kidneys?

Is nattokinase safe for kidneys?

The effects of nattokinase on the kidneys are not direct and the supplement is not recommended as a renal support tool....

What are the disadvantages of nattokinase?

What are the disadvantages of nattokinase?

Nattokinase dissolves blood clots by directly hydrolyzing the fibrin and plasmin substrate. It converts endogenous...

What does nattokinase do for you?

What does nattokinase do for you?

Nattokinase dissolves blood clots by directly hydrolyzing the fibrin and plasmin substrate. It converts endogenous...

What are the negative side effects of nattokinase?

What are the negative side effects of nattokinase?

Taking nattokinase along with medications that also slow blood clotting may increase the risk of bruising and bleeding....

What are the benefits of taking nattokinase?

What are the benefits of taking nattokinase?

Nattokinase can help prevent blood clots, lower blood pressure, and play a role in treating Alzheimer's disease....

What does nattokinase do for the blood?

What does nattokinase do for the blood?

Nattokinase is an enzyme that comes from a Japanese food called natto. Natto is made from cooked soybeans that have been...

How long does nattokinase take to work?

How long does nattokinase take to work?

Our data, which confirmed an increase in fibrinolysis activity and anticoagulant parameters between 2 and 8 hours after...

Is nattokinase the same as vitamin k2?

Is nattokinase the same as vitamin k2?

Vitamin K2 (MK-) is an advanced formula of vitamin K2 and the enzyme nattokinase, which is derived from natto, a Japanese ...

How long is it safe to take nattokinase?

How long is it safe to take nattokinase?

It has been consumed in Japan for hundreds of years. Nattokinase is possibly safe when taken as a medicine.

Does nattokinase really work?

Does nattokinase really work?

Nattokinase can thin the blood and help dissolve blood clots. This may protect against heart disease and conditions...

Is nattokinase better than statins?

Is nattokinase better than statins?

Our data suggested that NK was a better alternative to statins, a commonly used drug for reducing atherosclerosis, and,...

How much nattokinase do you take for blood clots?

How much nattokinase do you take for blood clots?

There isn't enough evidence to suggest the optimal dose of oral nattokinase, but human studies tend to use around 500 mg...

Can you take too much nattokinase?

Can you take too much nattokinase?

Nattokinase IS POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth as a medicine. Administering two doses of a specific product containing...

Is nattokinase an anti inflammatory?

Is nattokinase an anti inflammatory?

As a result, NK showed adequate protection against LPS-induced ARI, at least in part, by restricting inflammation and...

How much nattokinase is safe?

How much nattokinase is safe?

Nattokinase is a natural part of a Japanese soy food called natto. As a drug, nattokinase has been most commonly used in...

Is It Safe to Combine Nattokinase and Berberine Supplements?

Is It Safe to Combine Nattokinase and Berberine Supplements?

Nattokinase and berberine are two popular supplements that have gained attention for their potential health benefits....

Can i take nattokinase everyday?

Can i take nattokinase everyday?

Nattokinase is a natural part of a Japanese soy food called natto. As a drug, nattokinase has been most commonly used in...

Does nattokinase have any drug interactions?

Does nattokinase have any drug interactions?

If you take any medications regularly, talk to your doctor before starting to use nattokinase supplements. Supplements...

How quickly does nattokinase lower blood pressure?

How quickly does nattokinase lower blood pressure?

After administration of the extract, the SBP decreased significantly to 145 ± 24 mmHg in 2 h (p). Nattokinase...

Which is better aspirin or nattokinase?

Which is better aspirin or nattokinase?

Aspirin has an average rating of 7.8 out of 10 out of a total of 47 ratings on Drugs, com. Nattokinase has an average...

Is nattokinase a natural blood thinner?

Is nattokinase a natural blood thinner?

Fibrinogen is a blood protein that increases the risk of blood clots. Nattokinase lowers fibrinogen levels in the blood...

Can you take nattokinase instead of aspirin?

Can you take nattokinase instead of aspirin?

It seems premature to recommend the use of nattokinase in patients who are more willing to take it (as a substitute for...

Does nattokinase affect the liver?

Does nattokinase affect the liver?

Nattokinase can help prevent blood clots, lower blood pressure, and play a role in treating Alzheimer's disease. If you...

When should you take nattokinase?

When should you take nattokinase?

It's often argued that the best time to take Nattokinase is after dinner or before bed. You may not like to eat foods...

What medications interact with nattokinase?

What medications interact with nattokinase?

If you take any medications regularly, talk to your doctor before starting to use nattokinase supplements. Supplements...

Why take nattokinase at night?

Why take nattokinase at night?

Figure It is considered best to take nattokinase after dinner or before bed, as a thrombus is more likely to occur around ...

What does nattokinase do for the body?

What does nattokinase do for the body?

Nattokinase dissolves blood clots by directly hydrolyzing the fibrin and plasmin substrate. It converts endogenous...

What is nattokinase good for?

What is nattokinase good for?

Seventy-three subjects completed the study, and those who took nattokinase had a significant reduction in blood pressure. ...

How long does nattokinase take to lower cholesterol?

How long does nattokinase take to lower cholesterol?

Natto contains fiber, probiotics, vitamin K2 and nattokinase. This combination can help lower cholesterol and blood...

Can nattokinase replace warfarin?

Can nattokinase replace warfarin?

Nattokinase has not been approved by the FDA and, contrary to claims on the Internet, should not replace an...

Does nattokinase dissolve plaque in arteries?

Does nattokinase dissolve plaque in arteries?

Nattokinase can reduce the area of atherosclerotic plaque. In addition, nattokinase has been shown to reduce...

How quickly does nattokinase work?

How quickly does nattokinase work?

Our data, which confirmed an increase in fibrinolysis activity and anticoagulant parameters between 2 and 8 hours after...

Does nattokinase lower blood cholesterol?

Does nattokinase lower blood cholesterol?

With the use of NK or natto extract containing NK, animal studies conducted in several laboratories confirmed that NK has ...

What supplements should not be taken with nattokinase?

What supplements should not be taken with nattokinase?

Do not take ginkgo with nattokinase until you talk to your healthcare provider first. They can help prevent possible...

Can nattokinase replace aspirin?

Can nattokinase replace aspirin?

It seems premature to recommend the use of nattokinase in patients who are more willing to take it (as a substitute for...

Is nattokinase and vitamin k2 the same?

Is nattokinase and vitamin k2 the same?

Vitamin K2 (MK-) is an advanced formula of vitamin K2 and the enzyme nattokinase, which is derived from natto, a Japanese ...

Does nattokinase clean blood?

Does nattokinase clean blood?

Nattokinase dissolves blood clots by directly hydrolyzing the fibrin and plasmin substrate. It converts endogenous...

When should you not take nattokinase?

When should you not take nattokinase?

It may also make it difficult to control blood pressure during surgery. If you have a blood clotting disorder, don't take ...

Can nattokinase unclog arteries?

Can nattokinase unclog arteries?

There is some preliminary evidence that nattokinase may have benefits for heart and artery health. A study shows that a...